For the last 10 years, Fred has investigated the impact of Cape Breton’s changing climate on its freshwater resources. This information has then been used to aid in identifying methods of adaptation.
This talk focuses on the technical aspects of what we know and don’t know about how climate is changing, and the effects on streams, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater over six different hydrological settings within the beautiful 12,000 square kilometre island known as Cape Breton.
If you have never been to Cape Breton Island, Fred’s slides will have you making travel plans!
Fred is the Chief Hydrogeologist and a Senior Hydrologist for Exp Services Inc., based out of their Sydney, Nova Scotia office.
He has more than 40 years of experience primarily throughout Atlantic Canada, but also in Thailand, Mexico, Europe, the United States and Greenland. Fred has been involved in a wide range of water-related projects, from the perspective of a regulator, consultant, researcher, and educator (Adjunct Professor Cape Breton University, Research Fellow Verschuren Centre).